On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Eric Niebler <e...@boostpro.com> wrote:
> Bart, how high can N go in your EDSL? Is it really arbitrarily large?

I didn't hit any limit in the real application (most complicated case
is at 9) and just did a test that worked up to 30. Compilation (debug
mode) took about 2-3 minutes at that point, with some swapping, so I
didn't push it any further.

I've attached the header defining the grouping grammar, there should
be no dependencies on the rest of our code.


// Copyright (C) 2010 von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium
// This software is distributed under the terms of the
// GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPLv3).
// See doc/lgpl.txt and doc/gpl.txt for the license text.

#ifndef CF_Solver_Actions_Proto_ExpressionGroup_hpp
#define CF_Solver_Actions_Proto_ExpressionGroup_hpp

#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/iteration/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/for_each.hpp>

#include <boost/proto/core.hpp>

/// @file
/// Grammar and transform to make grouping expressions possible
/// @author Bart Janssens

namespace CF {
namespace Solver {
namespace Actions {
namespace Proto {

/// Primitive transform to evaluate a group of expressions
template<typename GrammarT>
struct ExpressionGroup :
  boost::proto::transform< ExpressionGroup<GrammarT> >
  template<typename ExprT, typename StateT, typename DataT>
  struct impl : boost::proto::transform_impl<ExprT, StateT, DataT>
    typedef void result_type;
    /// Fusion functor to evaluate each child expression using the GrammarT supplied in the template argument
    struct evaluate_expr
      evaluate_expr(typename impl::state_param state, typename impl::data_param data) :
      template<typename ChildExprT>
      void operator()(ChildExprT& expr) const
        GrammarT()(expr, m_state, m_data);

      typename impl::state_param  m_state;
      typename impl::data_param m_data;
    void operator ()(
                typename impl::expr_param expr
              , typename impl::state_param state
              , typename impl::data_param data
    ) const
      boost::fusion::for_each(boost::proto::flatten(boost::proto::right(expr)), evaluate_expr(state, data) );

/// Tags a terminal that triggers expression grouping
struct ExpressionGroupTag {};

/// Use group << (expr1, expr2, ..., exprN) to evaluate a group of expressions.
/// State can also be set for the expressions, using group(state) << (expr1, expr2, ..., exprN)
static boost::proto::terminal< ExpressionGroupTag >::type group = {};

/// Matches and evaluates groups of expressions matching GrammarT
template<typename GrammarT>
struct GroupGrammar :
      boost::proto::shift_left< boost::proto::terminal<ExpressionGroupTag>, boost::proto::comma<boost::proto::_, boost::proto::_> >,
      boost::proto::call< ExpressionGroup<GrammarT> >
    boost::proto::when // This variant allows passing a state as parameter
      boost::proto::shift_left< boost::proto::function< boost::proto::terminal<ExpressionGroupTag>, boost::proto::terminal<boost::proto::_> >, boost::proto::comma<boost::proto::_, boost::proto::_> >,
      boost::proto::call< ExpressionGroup<GrammarT> >(boost::proto::_expr, boost::proto::_value(boost::proto::_child1(boost::proto::_left)))
} // Proto
} // Actions
} // Solver
} // CF

#endif // CF_Solver_Actions_Proto_ExpressionGroup_hpp
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