On 07/14/2012 08:46 AM, Joel Falcou wrote:

In NT2, we use a schedule transform that iterate the expression tree and
evaluate expression tagged as being needed to be evaluated once and
store them in some shared_ptr like terminal. This allow us to "schedule"
our loop nests in the proper order.

This "scheduling" is what requried us to store everything proto by value
inside expression. Mathias correct me if I diverge.

I don't see how this has anything to do with what the OP wants, which is memoization. The "once" in NT2 only has to do with how loops are expanded, it doesn't prevent the same expression from being evaluated every time it's called.

We don't do anything of the sort, but I don't see any difficulty in doing this.

Assuming your expressions are CopyConstructible and you evaluate your expressions with something like this being called recursively

template<class Expr>
struct evaluate
   typedef ... result_type;
   result_type operator()(Expr& e) const

You could just replace it with

template<class Expr>
struct memoize_evaluate
   typedef evaluate<Expr> impl;
   typedef typename impl::result_type result_type;

   result_type operator()(Expr& e) const
     typename result_map::iterator it = get_results().find(e);
     if(it != get_results().end())
       return *it;

     return get_results().insert(std::make_pair(e, impl()(e))).first;

   typedef std::map<Expr, result_type> result_map;
   static result_map& get_results()
     static result_map results;
     return results;


Of course Proto expressions are not safely CopyConstructible by default, so you'd have to be careful to make it work.

This is a global approach, so you'll end up committing to memory all your past results. This is probably not desirable so you might prefer storing the map in the state instead of a singleton.
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