It looked like this before i sent the data: (Debug)
type: 14
Login {
  name: "Test"
  password: "nil"

And i got this on the receiving end: (Debug)
type: 14
Login {
  14 {

I can't figure out what in the world which could be changing data...

Notice: I am using wxWidgets for UI and SFML for Networking.

Here are the sending and recieving methods:

//Server side
this->TCP->Receive(this->TCPBuffer, sizeof( this->TCPBuffer ), this-
>RecievedSize) //<- Is in a If structure

net_protocol::NMessage RcvdMsg;
std::string Tmp(this->TCPBuffer);

RcvdMsg.ParseFromString( Tmp )

//Client side
net_protocol::NMessage Msg;
  Msg.set_type( Network::MsgType::RECIEVE_LOGIN_INFO );

net_protocol::LoginInfo *LoginInfos;
  LoginInfos = Msg.mutable_login();

LoginInfos->set_name( this->name->GetValue() );
LoginInfos->set_password( this->password->GetValue() );

std::string Tmp;

this->fParent->Socket.Send( Tmp.c_str(), sizeof( Tmp.c_str() ) );

On 10 Nov, 20:40, Kenton Varda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't see anything wrong with your code.  What kind of error are you
> seeing?  Are you sure that the bytes you passed in to the parser on the
> receiving end are exactly the same as what came out of the serializer on the
> sending side?
> On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 6:40 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wonder if there are any reasons to why this would fail to parse on
> > the Server side of a game which a few friends me are making.
> > ||Protocol:
> > package net_protocol;
> > //Login Protocol 2
> > message LoginInfo {
> >        required string name = 1;
> >        required string password = 2;
> > }
> > //Message Protocol 3
> > message ChatMessage {
> >        required string name = 1;
> >        required string body = 2;
> > }
> > //The Protocol Main
> > message NMessage {
> >        required int32 type = 1;
> >        optional LoginInfo type2 = 2;
> >        optional ChatMessage type3 = 3;
> > }
> > ||Code which sends the Protocol:
> >      net_protocol::NMessage Msg;
> >      Msg.set_type( Network::MsgType::RECIEVE_LOGIN_INFO );
> >    net_protocol::LoginInfo *LoginInfos;
> >      LoginInfos = Msg.mutable_type2();
> >      LoginInfos->set_name( this->name->GetValue().c_str() );
> >      LoginInfos->set_password( this->password->GetValue().c_str() );
> >      //Send away it here with some Network stuff
> > When the server gets that and tries to parse it so does it autofail.
> > Just sending the NMessage without any optional structures work fine.
> > And the documentation are vague at it's best to describe how to use
> > optional messages.
> > I would be grateful if someone could give me more insight on this :).
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