How can Google Protocol Buffers be utilized for an Adobe Flex based

The Java classes currently being generated by protoc cannot be used in
an BlazeDS environment. BlazeDS only converts Java properties into
ActionScript properties that follow a strict Java setter/getter
public String getFoo() {}
public void setFoo(String) {}

Unfortunately, neither the object class nor the object's builder class
support this API. What is the reason not to generate more POJO style

Additionally, it would be nice if the related ActionScript source code
could be generated, too.

////.proto file
package tutorial;

option java_package = "com.example.tutorial";
option java_outer_classname = "AddressBookProtos";

message Person {
  required string name = 1;
  required int32 id = 2;
  optional string email = 3;

////becomes the following .as file
package com.example.tutorial
        public class Person
                public var name:String;
                public var id:int;
                public var email:String;

Alternatively, protoc could generate complete AS source code that does
not depend on the BlazeDS (or GraniteDS) infrastructure, enabling the
Flex RIA to directly read/write a protobuf stream. This approach has
advantages and disadvantages, depending on what your target deployment
environment is.

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