Hi all

I'm using the python generated code to create a generic gpb object
editor, and I've run into unicode issues. Here's a small example for
the protofile example.proto

# example.proto
message test {
  required string s=1;

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from  example_pb2 import *
from google.protobuf import text_format

ustring = u"ﺵﺎﻫﺩﺓ ﺐﺛ"
astring = "hello"
T = test()
T.s=astring # str(ustring)

# T.s=ustring #  FAILS

#print text_format.MessageToString(T)

# the stuff below here is to see that i have no other encoding issues.
The QLabel correctly
# shows the same characters as the original string
app = QApplication([])
l = QLabel()

Using the unicode string (T.s = ustring) fails with
TypeError: u'\u0634\u0627\u0647\u062f\u0629 \u0628\u062b' has type
<type 'unicode'>, but expected one of: (<type 'str'>,)

How do I get my unicode data into my message? I can't coerce my
unicode into <type 'str'> I think.


P.S. the gpb object editor I'm building is open source and can be got

P.P.S I have no idea what the unicode means, it's from an Al Arabya
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