Not ringing any bells so far.  Can you provide a stack trace for the crash?

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 2:56 PM, <> wrote:

> When debugging through the CRT the error starts during the static
> initializer functions
> StaticDescriptorInitializer_...
> Looks like some access faults but I can't tell what causes this.  I am
> compiling and linking fine so I can only assume something else with
> the build process went wrong?  A flag or directive missing?
> On Feb 21, 11:32 am, wrote:
> > I've got a C++ program (.exe) that is compiled in Debug mode using /
> > MTd (multi-threaded debug).  It compiles fine, and has been a working
> > program for some time (debug and release).  I'm using Visual Studio
> > 2008 Pro on Vista Ultimate.
> >
> > I want to integrate protocol buffers into it, so I pulled down the
> > latest 2.0.3, and compiled libprotobuf in debug mode using /MTd.  It
> > compiles fine, I choose "Link Library Dependencies=No" for the project
> > properties.
> >
> > Then I created a small sample proto file and generated the c++ source,
> > still good up to this point.  I added my sample.pb.h and
> > into my project and added the libprotobuf header files to my
> > additional include path and libprotobuf.lib to the additional library
> > setting.
> >
> > Everything compiles fine, and links fine, so I actually get an debug
> > executable.  However when I run the program I get an immediate fault,
> > which breaks to _crtdebugbreak();
> >
> > If I compile both in release mode it seems to work fine, executable
> > runs without issue.
> >
> > I've gone through great lengths to make sure the compile and linkage
> > settings for my program and the protobuf library are the same. It
> > seems like I've made it through the hard part of compiling and linking
> > so I'm hoping the collective brain can help me out of this.  Any ideas
> > on what to try from here, short of trying thrift, which I won't be
> > able to compile the compiler in visual studio anyway :)
> >
> > Thanks.
> >

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