Hi Kenton. I was wondering if you had any update on implementing
packed repeated fields using wire format 2. I'm evaluating GPB for use
in an embedded device, and love it for its ability to generalize data
storage/serialization/introspection. But having a tag for each
repeated element is kind of a deal-breaker for us due to space
requirements. Especially since we're planning to use 4 byte tags
across the board in our system so that there's enough space for a
unique tag for each attribute in our system.
Curious, and Thanks,

On Jul 8 2008, 10:13 am, "Kenton Varda" <ken...@google.com> wrote:
> 2008/7/8 hepaminondas <hepaminon...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi,
> > Pretty cool stuff!
> > Could be really useful for data flow in scientific applications.
> > Just wondering how I'd write a proto which would allow the encoding
> > of, for example, a Numpy array?
> What's a Numpy array, exactly?  Google search suggests it's a
> multi-dimensional array?
> Unfortunately this would have to be pretty ad-hoc at the moment.  You do
> something like:
> message Row { repeated int32 element = 1; }
> message Matrix { repeated Row row = 1; }
> Ugly, I know.  Another problem with this is that a 1-byte tag will be
> emitted for every element, meaning it's somewhat inefficient.
> Another option is to just pack all the data arbitrarily and store them in a
> "bytes" field, but that sort of defeats the purpose of protocol buffers.
> I have plans to add a new "packed" encoding for repeated fields, which would
> allow there to be a single tag for an entire repeated field, but it's not
> there yet, and it still doesn't provide good multi-dimensional support.

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