Thank god for simple problems.

Thanks for the quick response and the good catch.  I'm not sure how
long it would have taken me to go through all of your source code
before going back and comparing types in each serialize call!

On Apr 9, 9:28 am, Marc Gravell <> wrote:
> Oops - slight error in my reply! Here's the *working* code ;-p
>     using (Stream gpkFile = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(folderPath,
> String.Format("{0}.gpk", image.ImageName)))) {
>         Image img2 = Serializer.Deserialize<Image>(gpkFile);
>     }
>     string path2 = Path.Combine(folderPath, "b_" + image.ImageName);
>     File.WriteAllBytes(path2, img2.ImageJPGData);
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