Documentation updates have also been submitted and will be live in an hour
or two.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Kenton Varda <> wrote:

> 2009-08-11 version 2.2.0:
>   C++
>   * Lite mode:  The "optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME" option causes the compiler
>     to generate code which only depends libprotobuf-lite, which is much 
> smaller
>     than libprotobuf but lacks descriptors, reflection, and some other 
> features.
>   * Fixed bug where Message.Swap(Message) was only implemented for
>     optimize_for_speed.  Swap now properly implemented in both modes
>     (Issue 91).
>   * Added RemoveLast and SwapElements(index1, index2) to Reflection
>     interface for repeated elements.
>   * Added Swap(Message) to Reflection interface.
>   * Floating-point literals in generated code that are intended to be
>     single-precision now explicitly have 'f' suffix to avoid pedantic warnings
>     produced by some compilers.
>   * The [deprecated=true] option now causes the C++ code generator to generate
>     a GCC-style deprecation annotation (no-op on other compilers).
>   * google::protobuf::GetEnumDescriptor<SomeGeneratedEnumType>() returns the
>     EnumDescriptor for that type -- useful for templates which cannot call
>     SomeGeneratedEnumType_descriptor().
>   * Various optimizations and obscure bug fixes.
>   Java
>   * Lite mode:  The "optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME" option causes the compiler
>     to generate code which only depends libprotobuf-lite, which is much 
> smaller
>     than libprotobuf but lacks descriptors, reflection, and some other 
> features.
>   * Lots of style cleanups.
>   Python
>   * Fixed endianness bug with floats and doubles.
>   * Text format parsing support.
>   * Fix bug with parsing packed repeated fields in embedded messages.
>   * Ability to initialize fields by passing keyword args to constructor.
>   * Support iterators in extend and __setslice__ for containers.

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