You want to serialize your message to an array first (use
SerializeToString() or SerializeToArray()), then write that using send().
 Don't use FileOutputStream -- it is meant for stream-based I/O, not UDP.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:19 PM, <>wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am having trouble figuring out how to serialize data over a socket
> utilizing UDP protocol.  I am in C++ environment.  When writing to the
> socket without protocol buffers, I use the standard sendto() socket
> call which allows me to specify the port and IP address of the
> intended receiver of my UDP message.  When trying to send a protocol
> buffers message, this seems to be the recommended strategy on the
> google docs:
>        ZeroCopyOutputStream* raw_output   = new FileOutputStream
> (sock);
>        CodedOutputStream*    coded_output = new CodedOutputStream
> (raw_output);
>        coded_output->WriteRaw(send_data,strlen(send_data));
> There is no way to specify what the port and IP address is here,
> analogous to when using the standard sendto() socket writing call.  So
> my message never gets received by the intended recipient on the
> network.  I am aware that this is a raw message, not a PB message.
> Getting this raw message over the network is a first step in
> accomplishing the ultimate goal of getting the PB message over the
> network.
> Is there a way to get all of the bytes of a serialized PB message into
> raw form and then send them with sendto()?
> Any ideas? Thanks for any help.
> Jay
> >

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