Comment #11 on issue 59 by t.broyer: Add another option to support java_implement_interface

Attached is a patch that adds insertion points (Java only) for code generator plugins. It uses a redundant but harmless "implements Message(Lite)" so that a plugin
always inserts ", MyInterface" without risking conflict with another plugin
(otherwise a plugin would have to know whether another has already inserted the
"implements" keyword).

My use case for resurrecting this issue is JSON or GWT-RPC ser/de-serialization (see issue 82 too) without using the reflection interface (for use in a "lite" environment or for "code speed") with polymorphism support. The only workaround is to patch your libprotobuf.jar by "augmenting" the MessageLite interface (but then you'd rather
patch your protoc than write a code generator plugin too)

Note that I do not have a C++ build environment, so I didn't even compile the patched

        java_implements_insertion_point.patch  6.0 KB

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