
I am trying to string up multiple messages of different C++ built-in
types into one message. Conceptually, it's something like:

codedstream << int_x << float_y << double_z;

I am thinking of implementing:

.proto File

enum Type
  // Enums that correspond to
  // C++ built-in types
  Tint = 0;
  Tdouble = 0;
  Tfloat = 0;

Proto_int    { required int val = 1; }
Proto_double { required double val = 1; }
Proto_float  { required float val = 1; }

C++ code to
write built-in
types to protobuf

sos = new StringOutputStream(&buf);
out = new CodedOutputStream(&sos);


// We want to write all 3 of these in ONE protobuf message
double d = 123.0;
int i = 456;
float f = 789.0f;

// Create the messages
Proto_int       msg_int;
Proto_double    msg_double;
Proto_float     msg_float;


// Write out the messages:

// 1. First, write out the size of the message ...

// 2. then the type (so that we know how to parse it when we read
back) ...
// QUESTION: WriteVarint32 is used to write ints, what should I use
// write double/float?

// 3. then the message itself

// Then repeat 1 - 3 for double and float, using msg_double/Tdouble
and msg_float/Tfloat respectively.

code to READ from
protobuf and reconstruct
built-in types

bool read() {

        ArrayInputStream ais(static_cast<const void *>(&buf[0]), buf.size());
        CodedInputStream in(&ais);

        google::protobuf::uint32 type = 0;
        google::protobuf::uint32 size = 0;

        if (!in.ReadVarint32(&size)) return false;

        while(size) {
                if (!in.ReadVarint32(&type)) return false;

                CodedInputStream::Limit limit = in.PushLimit(size);
                switch(type) {
                case Tdouble:
                                Proto_double p;
                ... similar code for Tint and Tfloat

The above scheme feels very inefficient, and I suspect I am probably
doing it wrong.
For example, do I really need to make dummy wrappers like this:
    "Proto_int    { required int val = 1; }"
What is the correct way to achieve my goal stated above?

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