On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Jun8 <ctaski...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've Google for a day now and could not find full information on the
> following problem.
> I want to serialize protobuf messages in C++, send them to a JMS
> (using activemq-cpp API) and parse in my Java server. Based on what I
> found in my searches, here's my C++ function that serializes the
> message:
> /*
>  *  Serialize given protobuf message and send to Active MQ JMS using
> the producer.
>  */
> void MessageProducer::send( const diva::messaging::Message&
> proto_mesg )
> {
>        using namespace google::protobuf::io;
>        long bufLength = proto_mesg.ByteSize() +
> CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32( proto_mesg.ByteSize() );
>        unsigned char buf[bufLength];
>        ZeroCopyOutputStream* raw_output = new ArrayOutputStream( buf,
> bufLength );
>        CodedOutputStream* coded_output = new CodedOutputStream(raw_output);
>        // Prepend the message size to wire message.
>        coded_output->WriteVarint32( proto_mesg.ByteSize() );

You're writing the message size as a prefix to the message data here...

>        proto_mesg.SerializeToCodedStream(coded_output);
>        // Create an ACtive JMS message and insert task & module information
> in header.
>        cms::BytesMessage* message = m_session->createBytesMessage();
>        // Write serialized protobuf message to the JMS message and send.
>        message->writeBytes( buf, 0, bufLength );
>        m_producer->send( message );
>        delete message;
>        delete coded_output;
>        delete raw_output;
> }
> And here's the part in Java that parses teh received messages from
> JMS:
>                        // Create a byte array for received message.
>                        BytesMessage receivedMessage =
> (BytesMessage)received_message;
>                        logger.info("received message in NAC");
>                        byte[] mesg_bytes = new
> byte[(int)receivedMessage.getBodyLength()];
>                        int num_read =
> receivedMessage.readBytes(mesg_bytes);

Presumably these bytes contain all the data that you wrote out, including
the size prefix...

>                        if ( num_read != receivedMessage.getBodyLength() ) {
>                                throw new Exception("Error reading message
> into byte array");
>                        }
>                        // Create registry for all possible DIVA messages.
>                        ExtensionRegistry er =
> ExtensionRegistry.newInstance();
>                        DivaBase.registerAllExtensions(er);
>                        // Parse the received message.
>                        diva.messaging.DivaBase.Message m =
> diva.messaging.DivaBase.Message.parseFrom( mesg_bytes, er );

...but parseFrom expects only the message data, not a message length prefix.

I'd just remove the WriteVarint32(proto_mesg.ByteSize()) call, since you are
using a transport mechanism that has its own means for delimiting messages.

> Currently, I get
> Problem parsing message received in NAC:
> com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException: Protocol message
> end-group tag did not match expected tag.
> Problem parsing message received in NAC: java.lang.ClassCastException:
> org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTextMessage cannot be cast to
> javax.jms.BytesMessage
> errors for each message and cannot see what I'm doing wrong.
> Thanks for any comments on the code and/or pointers you might provide.
> --
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