
we defined two object in field.proto
message Record{
optional int id = 1;
message RecordSet{
repeated Record record= 1;

so when we define a Record pointer,we do like this:
RecordSet recordsetA,recordsetB;
Recrod *pRecordA = recordsetA.add_record();

actually ,recordsetB has the same member as fieldsetA,we can only do
like this:
Record *pRecordB = recordsetB.add_record();

we found that it cost  much time to  copy.

if there is this method,we can solve this problem:


in this way ,we don't need to copy。

i've read topic in this forum, add_record() this api just for thread
safe and don't worry about the pRecordA being accidently changed。

so hope for your answer.


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