I am very new to GPB, and have not found documentation on this topic,
so I am asking the community. What is the best way to manage
versioning of GPB objects if you modify the .proto file and change the
definition of a message. Since I plan to have millions to tens of
millions of GPB objects, I am concerned that once we get going, and
determine we need to make a change to the structure of our .proto
file, that I will be faced with doing a conversion/migration of gobs
of data. Essentially I want to be able to deserialize objects even
after I have made changes to my compiled classes - with as minimal
impact as possible. Some use cases I want to consider are:

1)add a new field to a message
2)change the field type(string vs int32)
3)remove/deprecate a field within a message entirely
4)remove a message entirely
5)Add a new field that is a reference to a new message type.
6)Any likely scenario I missed that you all have dealt with that can
cause an issue?

Looking for any guidance/recommended best practices, or low hanging
fruit that I missed in my reading.

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