In the next build, this has been tweaked:

                        type = source.DeserializeType(typeName);
                        if(type == null)
                            throw new ProtoException("Unable to
resolve type: " + typeName);

So, this should be resolved from then.

Thanks for the (very valid) suggestion,


On Oct 11, 9:38 am, Lex <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have recently started using protobuf-net for some serialization
> tasks that we have.  Our particular problem is that our serialized
> objects can live for possibly weeks at a time before we need to de-
> serialize them.  In the mean time we may need to re-factor some of the
> namespaces of the nested objects in the serialized objects.
> After a bout of re-factoring I ran the de-serialization and got a
> 'Null reference' exception message.  With no more information to work
> with I had to check the source code out and debug it to find the
> offended code.  Once found I attached a handler to
> TypeModel.DynamicTypeFormatting to fix our issue which works very
> nicely.
> However I feel it would be very nice if we could have a better
> exception message output so it could tell me what string it was trying
> to get a type for a failed.  Maybe checking the result of the call to
> model.DeserializeType in ProtoReader.DeserializeType for null and
> throwing an exception that outputs the Assembly name so that we know
> what it failed to find a type for.
> For your consideration,
> Lex

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