the correct syntax for the extending file is...

import "extended_file.proto";

extend extended_package.<'.' separated qualified path to type (if
nested within one or more messages/groups)>ExtendedMessage {
    optional int32 field = 100;

On Jan 5, 5:57 am, Chris Dew <> wrote:
> How do you use extensions across multiple .proto files?
> see line:  // This can even be in a different file.
> I've tried:
> protoc -I=./ --java_out=./ ./wrapper.proto ./attach.proto
> but get the error: attach.proto:6:8:
> "Wrapper" is not defined.
> I feel I need some form of #include, but have not seen any
> documentation for this.
> Thanks,
> Chris.
> wrapper.proto:
> package pbtest;
> option java_package = "pbtest";
> option java_outer_classname = "WrapperProtos";
> message Wrapper {
>   required string address = 1;
>   optional sfixed64 timestamp = 2;
>   required int64 sequence = 3;
>   optional bool ack_not_required = 4;
>   extensions 7 to 100;
> }
> attach.proto:
> package pbtest;
> option java_package = "pbtest";
> option java_outer_classname = "WrapperProtos";
> extend Wrapper {
>   optional Attach attach = 8;
> }
> message Attach {
>   required sfixed32 pv = 1;
>   required sfixed32 attempt = 2;
> }

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