Quarta-feira, 5 de Dezembro de 2012 15:37:40 UTC, valadas escreveu:
> Hello I'm trying to use protobuf 2.4.1 to exchange messages between c++ 
> and java.
> I have defined a .proto file (attached) with two union messages ,one to be 
> sent from java to c++ and other the other way around.
> I started testing the c++ but I'm not able to receive the message in the 
> java side (I got an exception about a zero tag)
> The C++\QT code is as follows:
> *char buf[4096];*
> *operational_gui::OperationalMessage message; *
> *message.set_type(operational_gui::OperationalMessage::OWNPOSITIONREPORT); 
> *
> * message.mutable_oprep()->set_latitude(38.5); *
> * message.mutable_oprep()->set_longitude(-9.8); *
> * message.mutable_oprep()->set_heading(25); *
> * message.mutable_oprep()->set_validity(0);*
> * *
> *message.SerializeToArray(buf, message.ByteSize()); *
> *m_pSocket->write(buf, message.ByteSize()); *
> *m_pSocket->flush();* 
> the m_pSocket is a QLocalSocket
> on the java I have the following code:
> *FileinputStream pipe = new FileinputStream(pipeName);*
> *char buffer = new char[4096];*
> ** 
> *pipe.read(buffer);*
> *
> MessagesProtos.OperationalMessage message = 
> MessagesProtos.OperationalMessage.parseFrom(buffer);
> switch(message.getType()){
> *       System.out.println("Response is OwnPositionReport");*
> *       break;*
> *       System.out.println("Response is FriendPositionReport");*
> *       break;*
> *       System.out.println("Response is CommStatusReport");*
> *       break;*
> * }*
> *                    *
> But parseFrom always give an exception stating *"Protocol message 
> contained an invalid tag (zero)"*
> The buffer sent is the same that is received on java (33 bytes, see 
> attachment)
> Any hints ?
> Thanks in advance

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