My application uses Google Protocol Buffer with Apache MINA. There are 
clients who connect to the MINA Connector, send request to the server and 
then wait for the response from the server. The flow of control is as 
1. Client sends request
    2. Request received at MINA filter (<Class> 
extends CumulativeProtocolDecoder)
        3. doDecode() method is called
            4. A request object (generated from *.proto file) is created 
using the <RequestObject>.parseFrom(bytes)
                5. The request is passed on to the IOHandler (<Class> 
extends IoHandlerAdapter)
                    6. messageReceived() method is called
                        7. In this method, the request object (from #7) is 
processed to create the list of requests which has been sent by the client. 
*                        8. At this point, we have noticed that the time 
taken to process the request object (#7) is gradually degrading with time. 
>From a initial period of around 2 ms, the time period is going up to 200 ms 
in just 8 days of continuous usage. And this value gradually increases with 
                            9. The request list is processed in the 
                          10. The response object is created
                      11. The response is sent to the client.

Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.

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