polymorphism with nested extensions (Qt/c++)


I'm new in protobuf and would need it to store different values in an 
binary file.

I am using Qt 5.3 as development Environment.

 My problem is to access and store the values inside the messages “Cat” and 

 I think that storing the data is working right because I am able to access 
parts of it.

But when I try to go deeper it crashes :-(

 extended adressbook.proto example

package dataLog;


message Animal


        extensions 100 to max;

        enum AnimalType


                Type_Cat = 1;

                Type_Dog = 2;


        required AnimalType type = 1;



message Cat


        extend Animal


                required Cat beast = 100; // Unique Animal extension number


        optional bool declawed = 1;



message Dog


        extend Animal


                required Dog beast = 101; // Unique Animal extension number


        optional uint32 bones_buried = 1;



message Person


        required string name = 1;

        required int32 id = 2;

        required Animal pet = 3;

        optional string email = 4;

        enum PhoneType


                MOBILE = 0;

                HOME = 1;

                WORK = 2;


        message PhoneNumber


                required string number = 1;

                optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];


        repeated PhoneNumber phone = 5;


        Address Book

message AddressBook


        repeated Person person = 1;


The new code based on the adressbook example:

Adding new People

add Person

void DataLog::addPerson( dataLog::Person* person )


        person->set_id( 9 );

        person->set_name( "Bob" );

        person->set_email( "mail.com" );

        dataLog::Person::PhoneNumber* phone_number = person->add_phone();

        phone_number->set_number( "987654321" );

        phone_number->set_type( dataLog::Person::MOBILE );

        //person->set_allocated_pet( addAnimal(dataLog::Animal::Type_Dog) );

        dataLog::Animal * pAnimal = person->mutable_pet(); //new 

        pAnimal->set_type( dataLog::Animal::Type_Dog );

        dataLog::Dog *pDog = pAnimal->MutableExtension( dataLog::Dog::beast );

        pDog->set_bones_buried( 989 );

        //person->set_allocated_pet( pAnimal );



Reading the person data – ID, Name, email, and phone are working great but 
not so the animal :-(

write People

void DataLog::writePeople()


        for( int i=0; i<address_book.person_size(); i++ )


                const dataLog::Person& person = address_book.person( i );

                //... Name, Id, Phone


                qDebug() << "  Has Pet:" << person.has_pet();

                dataLog::Animal animal = person.pet();

                switch( animal.type() )


                        case dataLog::Animal::Type_Cat:


                        case dataLog::Animal::Type_Dog:


                                qDebug() << "  Beast = Dog";

                                dataLog::Dog *pDog = 

                                qDebug() << "  bones_buried: " << 
pDog->bones_buried();                 //<<---- _CRASH !!!!!!




                                qDebug() << "  Unknow Animal";



        } // for

        qDebug() << "READ END";


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