
I got a following proto file with below message:

message RequestUnion {
oneof request {
RangeRequest request_range = 1;
PutRequest request_put = 2;
DeleteRangeRequest request_delete_range = 3;

Generated header file contains the following:
class RequestUnion
    union RequestUnion {
      RequestUnion() {}
      ::etcdserverpb::RangeRequest* request_range_;
      ::etcdserverpb::PutRequest* request_put_;
      ::etcdserverpb::DeleteRangeRequest* request_delete_range_;
    } request_;

When i tried compiling the following error was seen:

rpc.pb.h:1110:9: error: ‘etcdserverpb::RequestUnion::RequestUnion’ has the 
same name as the class in which it is declared

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