I'm following the cpp tutorial on google protocol buffers 
<https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/cpptutorial> and am 
trying to run the example code.

I successfully installed Google Protocol Buffers on Ubuntu and compiled the 
.proto file so I got the pb.h and pb.cc generated files.


ReadAddressBook.cpp is the main c++ file that uses Google Protocol Buffers 
and I made it very minimal:

#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>#include 
"address_book.pb.h"using namespace std;
int main(){


 tutorial::AddressBook address_book;

 cout << "Created Object";
return 0;}

Now using g++ I want to run this. The tutorial never mentioned actually how 
to compile and link these files beyond generating the pb.cc and ph.h files.

So I wrote the commands:

g++ -l /home/{usr}/local/include -L /home/{usr}/local/lib ReadAddressBook.cpp 
address_book.pb.cc -lprotobuf -pthread

g++ -c ReadAddressBook.cpp

g++ -o ReadAddressBook ReadAddressBook.o

And got the error messages:


Undefined reference to 'google::protobuf::internal' and ect..

How do I link these libraries?

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