> On 30 Dec 2016, at 20:06, Tim Kientzle <t...@kientzle.com> wrote:
> When building a new implementation, you can avoid writing your own parser by 
> building a "plugin" for protoc.  That lets you focus on the code generation 
> and leverage the existing parsing (and normalization) performed by proton.
I saw this when I initially checked the code. But believe it or not - I 
actually like writing parsers :-)
It helps to understand the language you are dealing with. Although I have to 
admit that the plugin way is the one I will likely follow.

> Your code generator can be written in almost any language:  Writing it in an 
> already-supported language will let you leverage existing tools to parse the 
> `CodeGeneratorRequest` and serialize the `CodeGeneratorResponse`.  Writing 
> your plugin in your target language requires a lot more work to bootstrap 
> everything.
As far as I understood the code the plugin is expected to read a 
protobof-encoded CodeGeneratorResponse. You I’d either need to write the 
Smalltalk plugin in a language already able to read protobuf or do the initial 
“bootstrap” implementation myself. Maybe the parser wasn’t as useless as I 
thought :-)

> Hint:  Write a short shell script called `protoc-gen-capture` that just 
> copies its standard input to a file and run that with `protoc --capture_out` 
> to capture a copy of the request generated by protoc.  Then you can inspect 
> the generated request at your leisure.
Good tip! Thanks!!!



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