ParseFromIStream is not a generated method, so you wouldn't expect to see 
it in protoc output.

ParseFromIStream is a member of the base class Message:

Do your generated classes inherit from Message or MessageLite?

If your generated classes are inheriting from MessageLite even when you use 
"optimize_for = SPEED", make sure you are not passing "lite" to protoc. 
This is an option that will override the "optimize_for" option in your 
.proto file:

On Monday, January 8, 2018 at 3:29:37 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> Hello,
> We are trying to compile a simple file with one message and all we are 
> getting is (probably) the message-lite .h and .cc files and not the message 
> files (we are not getting the parse methods like parseFromiStream and so 
> on...
> we have tried everything, version 2.6, 2.6.1, newest (3.5.1) and got the 
> same result...
> *.proto file:*
> syntax = "proto2";
> package version_merge;
> option optimize_for = SPEED;
> message Version_file {
>   required bytes v2_0 = 1;
>   required bytes v2_1 = 2;
> }
> Tried with and with out the *option optimize_for = SPEED;* line.
> again, we are getting the correct files with most of the methods (the 
> light methods from what we understand from the google protobuf docs) files 
> but missing the extra parsing files.
> 10x.

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