On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 1:08 PM Josh Humphries <jh...@bluegosling.com> wrote:
> You know it's a message vs. enum (or invalid identifier) only after linking.

Thanks very much for the clarification. I sort of figured that was the case.

> To link, you need the file's entire transitive closure (e.g. its imports and 
> their imports and so on) already parsed (and, preferably, already linked). 
> You can then resolve the type name, basically using C++ scoping rules. The 
> leading dot tells it that the identifier is fully-qualified -- so you don't 
> need to worry about scoping rules (which allows for partially-qualified or 
> unqualified names) but instead search for the symbol by full name. After you 
> have resolved the name to an element, you then know the element's type -- 
> whether it was a message or an enum (or if it was invalid, such as no 
> matching element or referring to a service or method instead of a type).
> An element's full name is the file package (if any), all enclosing element 
> names (note that in an "extend" block, the extendee is not considered an 
> element name: extend blocks have no name), and then item itself.
> Example:
> syntax = "proto3";
> package foo.bar;
> import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
> extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
>   string some_custom_option = 9999; // fqn = foo.bar.some_custom_option
> }
> enum SomeEnum { // fqn = foo.bar.SomeEnum
>   VAL0 = 0; // fqn = foo.bar.SomeEnum.VAL0
> }
> message SomeMsg { // fqn = foo.bar.SomeMsg
>   string name = 1; // fqn = foo.bar.SomeMsg.name
>   // refers to top-level SomeEnum above
>   .foo.bar.SomeEnum enum2 = 3; // fqn = foo.bar.SomeMsg.enum2
>   // refers to nested SomeEnum below
>   SomeEnum enum = 2; // fqn = foo.bar.SomeMsg.enum
>   enum SomeEnum { // fqn = foo.bar.SomeMsg.SomeEnum
>     VAL0 = 0; // fqn = foo.bar.SomeMsg.SomeEnum.VAL0
>   }
>   // In this scope, can refer to SomeEnum w/out qualifier, as SomeEnum.
>   // Could also use partial-qualifiers, like SomeMsg.SomeEnum, 
> bar.SomeMsg.SomeEnum,
>   // or foo.bar.SomeMsg.SomeEnum. That last one is actually fully-qualified, 
> but protoc
>   // doesn't know that, so it must use same scope rules to resolve symbol 
> name. However,
>   // using .foo.bar.SomeMsg.SomeEnum (leading dot) means the current lexical 
> scope
>   // doesn't matter, so symbol resolution can take "short cut".
>   //
>   // As you can see, compound package names work like nested C++ namespaces, 
> not like
>   // Java or .NET package names.
>   message NestedMsg { // fqn = foo.bar.SomeMsg.NestedMsg
>     extends google.protobuf.FieldOption {
>       uint64 some_other_option = 9999; // fqn = 
> foo.bar.SomeMsg.NestedMsg.some_other_option
>     }
>   }
> }
> ----
> Josh Humphries
> jh...@bluegosling.com
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 9:14 AM Michael Powell <mwpowell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In the Protocol Buffer v2 Field specification there is a notion of
>> messageType and enumType. Casually reading the specification, it is
>> easy to miss this, but there is nothing there to tell anyone whether a
>> messageType or an enumType was encountered, except perhaps a second
>> pass verification.
>> Which brings me to the second question, how does one interpret the
>> identifiers involved in the type specification? Also, what's with the
>> leading dot? Please explain. Thanks!
>> Also, minor question, is the trailing semi-colon a typo? i.e.
>> "fieldNumber = intLit;". I gather that perhaps it is a typo but I
>> wanted to clarify that as well.
>> // Identifiers
>> ident = letter { letter | decimalDigit | "_" }
>> // ...
>> messageName = ident
>> enumName = ident
>> // ...
>> messageType = [ "." ] { ident "." } messageName
>> enumType = [ "." ] { ident "." } enumName
>> // ...
>> // Field
>> label = "required" | "optional" | "repeated"
>> type = "double" | "float" | "int32" | "int64" | "uint32" | "uint64" |
>> "sint32" | "sint64" | "fixed32" | "fixed64" | "sfixed32" | "sfixed64"
>> | "bool" | "string" | "bytes" | messageType | enumType
>> fieldNumber = intLit; // <- is the trailing semicolon here a typo?
>> http://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/proto2-spec
>> Best,
>> Michael Powell
>> --
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