I'm experimenting with retro-fitting a .Net 4.8 service with a gRPC service 
and I'm unclear how this works.  I followed a tutorial that specified 
adding the following to the project.  I assume the .csproj file:

    <Protobuf Include="**/*.proto" />

This doesn't appear to create output.  I then added a custom pre-build step 
the produces one file ProtoModels\Licenses.cs.

--proto_path=$(ProjectDir)Protos --csharp_out=$(ProjectDir)ProtoModels  

In constrast, the Greet sample generates a Greet.cs and GreetgRPC.cs 
in obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.1.

Can someone clarify the best way to retrofit an older .Net 4.8 visual 
studio csproj to build a gRpc service?

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