
I have an internal API which is going to be generalized and used within 
other projects.

Let's say that the current location of the API is 
/internal/project/api.proto and its package name is "internal.project".

I want to move the file to location /library/api.proto and change its 
package name to "library". This change will break all existing clients, 
which is very costly.

I can image a workaround. Let's say we have "using" directive, which is 
equivalent to C++ "using". To be more concrete, specifying "using TMessage 
= library.Message" within package "internal.project" creates an alias 
"internal.project.TMessage" of the message "library.TMessage", so that use 
of "internal.project.TMessage" is not different from use of 
"library.TMessage" after that.

Could someone please tell me, is it possible to have such mechanics in 
protobuf? Or how am I supposed to solve the problem without changing the 
code of all existing clients?

Thanks in advance!

Best wishes,

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