
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. 
we are currently running a python application that receives json messages, 
parse it according to the given dict using *ParseDict* , serialize it 
*SerializeToString* and send it.

*# encode.py payload = ParseDict(data, data_t_v1()) raw_payload = 

This what we have in proto file:

*//data.proto syntax = "proto2"; message data_t_v1 {  required uint32 id = 
1;  optional uint32 offset = 2;  optional uint32 multiplier = 3;  optional 
uint32 mask = 4; }*

However, I have an issue concerning the *values of optional attributes*. 
Here is what happens:
Step 1- sending the message with the optional values
data = {
"id": 1, 
"offset": 2, 
"mask": 4294967295 }

Step 2- sending the same message without the optional values
data = { 
"id": 1 }

The issue happens here: *ParseDict* is returning a dict with the optional 
attributes having the old value that I set in step 1.

I would like to know if there is a way to clear old optional values when 
they are not set.
Thanks in advance. and Please let me know if you need additional information

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