I would like to pass a protobuf message from Javascript to a C++ 
WebAssembly module.

I do receive, and can successfully parse the simpler protobuf messages on 
the C++ side, however, protobuf is failing to parse the less-simple 
protobuf messages.

Here is the code that I am using :
goog.require('proto.my_proto.MyMessage'); function generateMyMessage() { 
var msg = new proto.my_proto.MyMessage() var internal = new 
proto.my_proto.MyMessageInternal() internal.setAccentColor("#CC1D24") 
msg.setInternal(internal) return msg }
Using the google-closure-compiler, I compile this protobuf message 
generator to pure Javascript. I use this code to pass the message to the 
C++ WebAssembly module :
function sendMessage() { 
} sendMessage()
I receive the message on the C++ side using this code :
void JavascriptPublicInterface::setMyMessage(const QString &myMessage) { if 
(_myMessage != myMessage) { _myMessage = myMessage; emit 
myMessageChanged(); } } void 
JavascriptPublicInterface::setMyMessageEMS(const std::string &myMessage) { 
setMyMessage(QString::fromStdString(myMessage)); } //... void 
myMessage)> listener) { const auto changedListener = [listener]() { const 
auto newMyMessageString = JavascriptPublicInterface::self()->myMessage(); 
my_proto::MyMessage myMessagePb; if 
(myMessagePb.ParseFromString(newMyMessageString.toStdString())) { qDebug() 
<< "C++ : Successfully parsed new MyMessage: " << newMyMessageString; } 
else { qDebug() << "C++ : Failed to parse new MyMessage: " << 
newMyMessageString; } qDebug() << "MyMessage received: " << 
QString::fromStdString(myMessagePb.DebugString()); listener(myMessagePb); 
}; if (!QObject::connect(JavascriptPublicInterface::self(), 
&JavascriptPublicInterface::myMessageChanged, changedListener)) { throw 
std::runtime_error("Failed to connect to JavascriptPublicInterface 
myMessageChanged"); } }

In the Javascript console I see : "C++ : Failed to parse new MyMessage: ..."

I guess that it can be related to the fact that Javascript is using UTF-16 
and C++ is using UTF-8 encoding (because the messages that are UTF-8 only 
can be successfully parsed), so I tried to fix the sending and receiving 
like this:

//For more info see : 
function convertUtf16ToUtf8(input) { var uint8Arr = input var jsString = 
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uint8Arr) var lengthBytes = 
lengthBytesUTF8(jsString)+1 var stringOnWasmHeap = _malloc(lengthBytes) 
stringToUTF8(jsString, stringOnWasmHeap, lengthBytes) return 
stringOnWasmHeap } function sendMessage() { var myMessage = 
Module.self().setMyMessage(myMessage) _free(myMessage) } sendMessage()
And I modified the parsing on the C++ side like this :
void JavascriptPublicInterface::setMyMessageEMS(const int pointer) { const 
char* msg = (char*)pointer; setMyMessage(QString::fromStdString(msg)); }

But I still get this error : "C++ : Failed to parse new MyMessage: ..."

How could I fix this?

(I am using protobuf 3.19.1 (same version on both the Javascript and the 
C++ side).)

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