
I'm a Typescript developer and trying to use protobuf between Typescript 
and Python.

I have to translate several Typescripts interface below to proto3 messages:

enum CommandType {

interface RunCommand {
    commandType: CommandType.Run;
    destination: string;

interface SleepCommand {
    commandType: CommandType.Sleep;
    time: number;

interface ReadCommand {
    commandType: CommandType.Read;
    book: string

type Command = RunCommand | SleepCommand | EatCommand;

Tye type `Command` is a message in my .proto like:

syntax = "proto3"

enum CommandType {
    RUN = 0;
    SLEEP = 1;
    READ = 2;

message Command {
    CommandType commandType = 0;

How can I set the rest properties of the message `Command`?

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