I copied all the files in https://github.com/helium/proto/tree/master/src 
to my local machine, when i try to generate code for my golang project, 
protoc throw some error.

protoc --version: libprotoc 3.21.4, downloaded from github
language i am using: Go

steps to reproduce:

*working path*:
$ pwd 

*proto files in this path*:
$ ls 
blockchain_txn.proto  ......

*protoc cmd i tried*:

$ protoc --go_out=/c/User/Desktop/Helium/hnt/ ./blockchain_block.proto
$ protoc --proto_path=. --go_out=/c/User/Desktop/Helium/hnt/ 
$ protoc --proto_path=/c/User/Desktop/test/src 

*protoc output:*

blockchain_block_v1.proto:21:12: "blockchain_txn" is not defined. 
blockchain_block.proto:4:1: Import "blockchain_block_v1.proto" was not 
found or had errors. blockchain_block.proto:7:17: "blockchain_block_v1" is 
not defined.

I can compile most proto file in 
https://github.com/helium/proto/tree/master/src, except for 
*blockchain_block.proto* and *blockchain_block_v1.proto*. 
How do i fix this?

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