I am receiving a WatchEvent message and the value stored in this kubernetes 
proto is -

   1. Type - for ex. event such as modified or added or deleted
   2. Object - raw bytes of actual object. Can be any object.

I want to convert those raw bytes to actual objects such as pod. Note that 
I know the kind name of that RawExtension runtime object.

Currently I was doing this but result is negative -

if( eventType == "ADDED" || eventType == "MODIFIED" ) { WatchEvent watch; 
watch.set_type( eventType ); string object = responseJson["object"].dump(); 
watch.mutable_object()->set_raw(object); cout << "Message" << endl; cout << 
watch.DebugString() << endl; Pod pod; JsonStringToMessage( 
watch.object().raw(), &pod ); cout << "Pod" << endl; cout << 
pod.DebugString() << endl; }

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