On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Rob Godfrey <rob.j.godf...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 14 August 2012 20:40, Rajith Attapattu <rajit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Rafi,
> >
> > From what I understand there are two ways to use SSL/TLS with AMQP 1.0
> >
> > a) A secure connection is established right off the bat.
> >
> > b) A regular tcp connection is established and then based on the AMQP
> > header (with a protocol id of 2) you start encrypting the packets that
> > follow.
> I'm not sure we have a pressing need to support this mechanism. A
> pattern that would potentially be more interesting is to run TLS and
> non-TLS connections on the same port.

I believe the C++ broker supports this. Andrew can probably comment in more
detail, but I believe it's all kind of similar. Basically you examine the
first few bytes of the connection and depending on whether it looks like an
ordinary AMQP header, an AMQP-over-TLS header, or the magic cruft at the
beginning of a TLS connection you just dispatch appropriately in each case.
>From what I understand, the tricky part is to do the initial
reading/buffering in such a manner that you don't end up reading more than
you should and buffering stuff you were supposed to dispatch to something
else, e.g. the SSL engine.

> >
> > The first option seems fairly straightforward. For the second,
> >
> > 1.  Once we get the AMQP header indicating we need to use TLS, should
> > we expect the SASL header to follow ?
> > 2.  If we have TLS connection, is SASL authentication optional ?
> >
> Yes, theoretically a peer may be configured such that the
> authentication offered by TLS is sufficient and therefore no SASL
> exchange is required.
> > Additionally can the peers chose to use SASL encryption? If so how do
> > we figure that out?
> > I didn't find that information under "Book 5 : Security section "
> Do the relevant SASL mechanisms not make clear when the encryption of
> the session begins? I don;t believe there is anything special we need
> to do to "figure out" when SASL encryption is being used is there?

I think given the current set of use cases in mind for proton I'd venture a
guess that SASL based encryption mechanisms can probably take a back burner
relative to SSL/TLS based encryption, but please shout if you feel


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