On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 05:39:02PM -0400, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Darryl L. Pierce <dpie...@redhat.com>wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 04:02:09PM -0400, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> > > I'm a little confused by what you're trying to do with the wrapper. This
> > is
> > > what I have for the wrapper in my ruby.i:
> > >
> > > int pn_message_save(pn_message_t *msg, char *OUTPUT, size_t
> > > %ignore pn_message_save;
> >
> > With the above the error happens at 65 characters. I took out my wrapper
> > and ran the test again and it crashes at 65 characters every time.
> >
> Can you post the test snippet so I can try?

If you track my "Ruby-language-APIs" branch on github[1], and run the
following in the ruby directory with

ruby -I $RUBYLIB -I lib test

you should see the output.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'qpid_proton'

msg = Qpid::Proton.create_message
Qpid::Proton.set_message_format(msg, Qpid::Proton::Format::TEXT)
length = 1

puts "The message format is #{Qpid::Proton.get_message_format(msg)}."

loop do
  data = (0...length).map{ ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join

  puts "Testing data at #{length} characters."

  Qpid::Proton.set_message_data(msg, data)

  returned = Qpid::Proton.get_message_data(msg)[1]

  puts "Comparing:\n#{data}\n#{returned}\n"
  puts "Do they match? #{(data == returned) ? 'Yes' : 'No'}"

  break unless (data == returned)


  # length = 0 if length == 128

  length += 1


puts "We stopped at #{length} characters."

> > > I believe this is all that is necessary since the standard typemaps
> > should
> > > pick up on OUTPUT and OUTPUT_SIZE and just do the right thing.
> >
> > What I would like to see in the dynamic languages for this is to not
> > even have to specify the size for the output buffer; i.e., just call:
> >
> > Qpid::Proton.get_message_data(msg)
> >
> > and get the data back as one lump.
> >
> Ah, in that case I think you want to use ALLOC_OUTPUT and ALLOC_SIZE. Your
> wrapper will need to be a little bit smarter though. There is no way to
> know in advance how much space it will take to encode the message in a
> given format, so the wrapper will have to pick an initial size and then
> keep on doubling until it fits.
> Here is an example of the ALLOC stuff. Obviously the wrapper would need to
> be different.
> %rename(pn_delivery_tag) wrap_pn_delivery_tag;
> %inline %{
>   void wrap_pn_delivery_tag(pn_delivery_t *delivery, char **ALLOC_OUTPUT,
> size_t *ALLOC_SIZE) {
>     pn_delivery_tag_t tag = pn_delivery_tag(delivery);
>     *ALLOC_OUTPUT = malloc(tag.size);
>     *ALLOC_SIZE = tag.size;
>     memcpy(*ALLOC_OUTPUT, tag.bytes, tag.size);
>   }
> %}
> %ignore pn_delivery_tag;
> The swig chapter on C string handle is a good reference for this stuff.
> There might be some other macros there that are useful:
>   http://www.swig.org/Doc2.0/SWIGDocumentation.html#Library_nn8

Okay, I'll take a different approach to this one.

> > Agreed. Also, we should make sure to remove having the individual
> > languages include them relatively (i.e., %include "../cproton.i") and
> > instead place the shared files in the include directory.
> >
> +1

I'll send out a patch for this today.

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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