On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 08:15:42AM -0400, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> My inclination is to persue option 2 for the following reasons:
>   - Option 1 introduces more burden since users need to explicitly
>     manage the lifecycle of the returned objects. While this burden
>     might be mitigated in a garbage collected language, it would quite
>     likely significantly impact performance to let the GC manage
>     retiring these delivery objects. (The engine underneath messenger
>     is quite capable of cycling through hundreds of thousands of
>     deliveries per second, and this would most likely put a
>     significant burden on any GC subsystem.)
>   - Option 1 introduces additional action objects, the user model is
>     simpler if all the actions stay with messenger.
>   - Option 1 requires coming up with a name for something that is like
>     a delivery but not quite.
>   - Option 2 potentially offers more capabilities in terms of
>     persisting delivery state outside a messenger.
>   - Option 2 maps pretty naturally to the protocol notion of
>     delivery-tag and lends itself to a pretty easy name/analogy. One
>     option is pn_tracking_id_t, however I prefer the slightly more
>     abstract pn_tracker_t as it suggests a bit less about how it
>     might be implemented under the covers.

+1 on option 2, since it appears to be much more flexible and, as you
indicate, keeps the actions in Messenger. This is much more logical IMO.

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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