Yeah, it appears to be a bug. I checked in a potential fix on trunk. Give
it a shot and see if it's still an issue.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Phil Harvey <>wrote:

> I'm working on the proton-c JNI binding and am having trouble with the
> Message.getMessageId() JNI implementation.
> I am currently calling pn_message_get_id but this is causing a segfault
> (details below).  I suspect that I might be using the proton-c message API
> incorrectly and would appreciate advice from someone more familiar with the
> proton-c implementation.
> Our call stack is:
> AccessorsTest.testId
>   ...
>     Message._get_id
>       JNIMessage.getMessageId()
>         ...
>           pn_message_get_id
>             pn_data_get_atom
>               <segfaults because node is null>
> This suggests that our problem is that we haven't previously called
> pn_message_set_id.
> message.h contains the following:
> pn_data_t *    pn_message_id                    (pn_message_t *msg);
> pn_atom_t      pn_message_get_id                (pn_message_t *msg);
> int            pn_message_set_id                (pn_message_t *msg,
> pn_atom_t id);
> The JNI implementation of Message.getMessageId() calls pn_message_get_id.
> However, in revision 1400309 (committed by Rafi) the proton-c Python
> binding was modified to implement this using the pn_data returned from
> pn_message_id instead.
> Are the pn_message_get_id and pn_message_set_id functions deprecated?  If
> so, the Java Message interface should possibly have its getMessageId and
> setMessageId methods removed, and replaced with calls to a new interface
> (called MessageId?).
> If not, can anyone explain the intended interplay between the three message
> id functions?
> Finally, it seems wrong to me that pn_message_get_id should ever cause a
> seg fault.  Is this a bug?
> Phil

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