Hello!  I'm new to proton (and AMQP), and have some questions about using
the Messenger API in the C library to send messages to Windows Azure.  I've
noticed that it takes three steps before a message is actually sent (i.e.
before it is fetched when running the 'recv' command line example).  I call
pn_messenger_put(), pn_messenger_send(), and then pn_messenger_stop().  My
question is about the third call -- to pn_messenger_stop().  If I omit that
and just call the first two, the message is not actually sent.

My concern is whether calling stop() after every send will be a problem in
the case where I want to use the same instance of messenger to call recv()
in a separate thread.  The API docs state "A messenger cannot send or recv
messages when it is stopped.".

So, two questions:

(1)  Is the need to call stop() after each send() expected behavior?
(2)  Will repeatedly calling stop() affect the recv() running in the
separate thread?

Thank you!

- Paul

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