Hi Michael,

Thank you for doing this.  There's obviously a lot of interest in Proton
but since it's quite an original library some new users do find it

When do you expect to finish the first draft?  The reason I ask is that I
know some Proton talks are happening at ApacheCon in a couple of weeks, so
I was wondering what we expect to have ready by then.

What format are you planning to produce the documentation in (eg dobook, or
HTML, or something else)?  Presumably the documentation will be uploaded to

I got the sense from your document outline that the main audience would be
users of the Messenger API.  What, if anything, do you plan to write for
developers who are primarily using the Engine and Transport APIs?

Thanks again,

On 4 February 2013 20:56, Michael Goulish <mgoul...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I am working on some documentation, examples, & c. to
> encourage easy adoption of Proton.
> I expect every one of you has had the experience
> of trying to use a new software package and not
> getting decent help doing so.  I would like to
> do what I can to help delight any software person who
> decides to spend 5 or 10 minutes looking at Proton.
> Please take a look at my proposals, below, and let
> me know if I missed your pet peeve.
> ------------------------------ Mick .
> Here is a list of the components of the documentation that I
> am proposing, with explanations of each.
> Documentation Components List
> {
>   1. Quick Start
>   2. Theory of Operation
>   3. Component Explanations
>   4. Riffs
>   5. Examples
>   6. Tutorials
>   7. Error Dictionary
> }
> Documentation Components Description
> {
>   1. Quick Start
>   {
>     A guide to getting up and running, from download to
>     "hello world" in 10 minutes.
>     The guide itself should be concise, and should help
>     to diagnose any common problems you might run into.
>     This document does not explain anything except what
>     you need to know to get up and tunning.
>   }
>   2. Theory of Operation
>   {
>     An overview of the components of the messenger interface,
>     and an explanation of how those components are used, and
>     how they interact with each other.
>     This information will be greatly expanded upon by the
>     Component Explanations, the Riffs, and the Examples,
>     but this section gives you the big picture.
>     To explain with an analogy: my car has a driver's interface
>     which consists of an ignition switch, a steering wheel, a
>     clutch, a stick, a gas pedal, and a brake pedal.  My
>     daughter understands the function of each one of those
>     things separately -- but she still can't drive the car.
>     To drive the car you also need to know how those subsystems
>     are all expected to work together.  That is a 'theory of
>     operation'.
>   }
>   3. Component Explanations
>   {
>     These are like a Theory of Operation, but for individual
>     components of the Messenger interface.  More detailed
>     than the overall Theory of Operation, but more narrow.
>     One for each of the following Messenger components:
>       3.1 accept modes
>       3.2 errors
>       3.3 message windows
>       3.4 messengers
>       3.5 security
>       3.6 subscriptions
>       3.7 timeouts
>       3.8 trackers
>   }
>   4. Riffs       // rename these "idioms" ?
>   {
>     A 'riff' is a series of function calls that will often be
>     associated with each other in application code.
>     Riffs are code-snippets, not complete running examples,
>     but the code in them would compile and run if it were
>     inside a complete example.
>     Each riff also contains an explanation of why the functions
>     should be used together in this way.
>     Some types of riffs:
>       "These functions will often be used together,
>       in this order."
>       "These functions are mutually exclusive."
>       "Use the output from this one as the input to that one."
>   }
>   5. Examples
>   {
>     Complete running examples, with explanations.  These are
>     narrowly focused on the topic at hand, leaving out code
>     that may be good practice in a real application, but
>     may divert attention from the topic at hand.
>     Eventually, all of these examples should be written in
>     both C and Java.
>     Proposed example program topics:
>     {
>       messaging patterns
>       {
>         point-to-point
>         fanout
>         request-reply
>         publish-subscribe
>         dead letter
>       }
>       security
>       error handling
>       timeouts
>       message windows
>       sending
>       receiving
>       tracker
>     }
>   }
>   6. Tutorials
>   {
>     Tutorials are larger than examples, and are focused on
>     real-world aspects of messaging applications, rather
>     than being focused on the library code.
>     A tutorial will typically be longer than an example,
>     will contain more explanatory text, and will show
>     and discuss alternative approaches.
>     Proposed tutorial topics:
>     {
>       Security
>       High Speed Messaging
>       High Availability
>     }
>   }
>   7. Error Dictionary
>   {
>     When you use the library, you may occasionally see errors and
>     warnings.
>     What do they mean?  What should you do about them?
>     Are they your problem, or the library's problem?
>     This document gives the user a detailed explanation of each
>     error and warning, and suggestions for dealing with them.
>   }
> }

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