On Tue, 2013-02-26 at 15:17 -0500, Michael Goulish wrote:
> Would it be possible, without breaking the messenger 
> paradigm very much, to provide some way of knowing 
> which messages had not been delivered after a specified 
> time?
> i.e.
> pn_message_set_ttl ( message, seconds );
> and then maybe
> int n_dead_letters = pn_messenger_expired ( messenger );
> for ( i = 0 ; i < n_dead_letters; ++ i )
> {
>   pn_messenger_get_dead_letter ( messenger );
>   /* app does something with dead letter */
> }

Good question: more generally how does/should proton expose the AMQP
settlement status of messages? That will be important when we start to
think about HA and fail-over of proton clients, so we can replay the
right messages.

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