OK, I'm trying here to express the spirit of Messenger I/O ,
greatly based on the conversation of the last 24 hrs.

This probably needs some elaboration yet, but I want to 
see if I'm at least generally on the right track.

Oh, please, give me feedback.

  Sending and Receiving Messages

  The Proton Messenger API provides a mixture of synchronous
  and asynchronous operations to give you flexibility in
  deciding when you application should block waiting for I/O,
  and when it should not.

  When sending messages, you can:

    * send a message immediately,
    * enqueue a message to be sent later,
    * block until all enqueued messages are sent,
    * send enqueued messages until a timeout occurs, or
    * send all messages that can be sent without blocking.

  When receiving messages, you can:

    * receive messages that can be received without blocking,
    * block until at least one message is received,
    * receive no more than a fixed number of messages.


  1. send a message immediately

       put  ( messenger, msg );
       send ( messenger );

  2. enqueue a message to be sent later

        put ( messenger, msg );

     The message will be sent whenever it is not blocked and
     the Messenger code has other I/O work to be done.

  3. block until all enqueued messages are sent

       set_timeout ( messenger, -1 );
       send ( messenger );

     A negative timeout means 'forever'.  That is the initial
     default for a messenger.

  4. send enqueued messages until a timeout occurs

       set_timeout ( messenger, 100 ); /* 100 msec */
       send ( messenger );

  5. send all messages that can be sent without blocking

       set_timeout ( messenger, 0 );
       send ( messenger );

  6. receive messages that can be received without blocking

       set_timeout ( messenger, 0 );
       recv ( messenger, -1 );

  7. block until at least one message is received

       set_timeout ( messenger, -1 );
       recv ( messenger, -1 );

     note: -1 is initial messenger default.
           If you didn't change it, you don't need to set it.

  8. receive no more than a fixed number of messages

       recv ( messenger, 10 );

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