Hello and welcome,

First off let me just say this is great news and please don't feel shy
about engaging. The whole point of Proton is to make it easy to speak AMQP
and if there is any way we can make it easier then we welcome the feedback.

I'll do my best to answer your questions below...

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 8:36 AM, Rob Nicholson <rob_nichol...@uk.ibm.com>wrote:

> Hello proton mailing list.
> I think that some folks here have noticed that within IBM we have an
> incubator project called MQ Light [1] which is using the AMQP 1.0 wire
> protocol and is making use of Apache Qpid Proton both standalone[1] and in
> our cloud PaaS incubator [2].
> Up until this point we have been largely in listen mode on the mailing
> list but now we will be engaging with the community so we thought it would
> be polite to introduce ourselves, what we are doing and how we are thinking
> of engaging with you.
> Currently we use the proton C messenger API in our client and the Java
> messaging API in our "server" which uses code derived from IBM's Websphere
> MQ products.
> We have raised some Jiras, we plan to raise more for some specific
> problems we have had, supplying patches which show how we worked around or
> addressed each problem we had.
> We also have some of more strategic queries the first of which are:
>    -
>  - We are finding that we need to extend Messenger in order to make it
> capable of doing what we want it to. Is this valid or did you want to keep
> messenger really simple.   Should we just supply patches for these
> extensions also?

This is hard question to answer in general. Simplicity is definitely a
goal, however we want it to solve real use cases as well, and sometimes
those two things work against each other. Understanding your use cases is
probably key here, so patches would be a great start even if they just
serve to illustrate the use case.

> -  We want to create language bindings for MQ Light which are _really_
> easy to use by programmers in that language. Specifically we find these
> bindings need to understand our messaging model. AMQP does not have a
> preconceived idea of a messaging model. We would like to put all of the
> client code into open source but do these language bindings belong in the
>  Proton project? If not, I suspect we'll create a separate project which
> has a dependency to proton.

At the lowest layer (i.e. the protocol engine) proton cannot make any
assumptions that would limit interop with any conforming AMQP
implementation. In other words if you are using the engine to speak AMQP
you need to be able to express and interact with the full range of protocol
capabilities. But, if layered properly, there is room for simplified models
built on top of the engine, e.g. for the sake of simplifying the user
experience Messenger makes some choices about how it uses the protocol that
limit the full range of interactions you can express purely through the
Messenger API. I'd say this kind of thing is fine so long as it is generic,
i.e. not limited to interacting with just one implementation that behaves
in an overly specific way.

There is also a contrib area in the Proton tree that we have the option to
use for the kind of thing you're describing, and this isn't necessarily an
either or thing. We could start out with something in contrib and factor
parts of it into core and then move the rest of it to an external project
if that ever became warranted. Again, it's hard to say exactly what makes
sense without specifics, but hopefully you get a sense of the options.

> -  As we have consumed the Java engine API we have run up against some
> threading issues. This might be because we do not understand the threading
> model in the Engine.  At some point we'd like to have a design discussion
> with the community on the threading model in the Engine implementation.

I'm eager to hear what your issues are. I'm aware of some common problems
people have had and there are some ideas in the works to address those, so
it would be good to take into account your experiences sooner rather than


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