On May 13, 2014, at 1:46 PM, Rafael Schloming <r...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> I'm not sure this will work as an API. One problem I see with this is that
> it is circumventing the engine's flow control logic. If you notice there is
> logic inside send() to update counters on the session. Unless I've missed
> something your patch doesn't seem to have equivalent logic. This might just
> be an oversight, but I don't see how you could easily add the same logic
> since you don't know how many bytes the payload is until much much later on
> in the control flow of the engine.

as I told you  this was just a prototyped idea... it's not in fact updating the 
window yet..

If this idea is a good idea, we could pursue the idea here.

> Can you supply some more detail as to why it got 5% faster? If it was
> merely avoiding the copy, then I can think of some ways we could avoid that
> copy without changing the API quite so drastically, e.g. just overload
> send() to take some sort of releasable buffer reference.

The encoding is done directly the the FrameWriter::__outputBuffer.  I've made a 
framework where I'm testing the send and it made it somewhat fast than copying 
the encoding over 1 million messages.

On this case it could be a bit more if you encoded a MesasgeImpl on a new 
buffer every time....

> FWIW, I think that a good buffer abstraction that we could use everywhere
> would help a lot. I suspect having distinct abstractions for payload
> buffers vs encodable buffers vs decodable buffers is just going to result
> in lots of unnecessary conversions.

probably.. I was just trying to improve the idea of the payloads. I don't like 
the send API right now.. I think it would make more sense to set the payload on 
the delivery than send bytes through sender.

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