I'm getting an error when trying to receive messages from within a browser. The 
same code runs fine when run from the command line using "node".

The error message is:
Module.MessengerError {name: "MessengerError", message: "listen: Not 
supported", constructor: function, toString: function}
The error happens when calling messenger.subscribe(address);

Is it the case that subscribing is actually not supported from within a 
browser, or am I possibly doing something wrong?

I basically just took the code from recv.js and put it in a HTML page.

Here is the code:
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- HTML5 doctype -->
        <title>Simple Proton Messenger Send Example</title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />

<script type="text/javascript" 

<script type="text/javascript">

var address = "amqp://~";
var message = new proton.Message();
var messenger = new proton.Messenger();

var pumpData = function() {
    while (messenger.incoming()) {
        var t = messenger.get(message);

        console.log("Address: " + message.getAddress());
        console.log("Subject: " + message.getSubject());

        // body is the body as a native JavaScript Object, useful for most real 
        //console.log("Content: " + message.body);

        // data is the body as a proton.Data Object, used in this case because
        // format() returns exactly the same representation as recv.c
        console.log("Content: " + message.data.format());


console.log("address = '" + address + "'");

messenger.on('error', function(error) {console.log(error);});
messenger.on('work', pumpData);

messenger.recv(); // Receive as many messages as messenger can buffer.






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