
I read AMQP messages using Proton 0.7 c-api which was sent via the Qpid C++ Message Broker (V0.28). I can read the message content and attributes like the correlation id or the user id with no problems. But it was not possible to read the properties of the message.

The code:

pn_data_t * dataPtr = pn_message_properties(messagePtr);
if (pn_data_type(dataPtr) != PN_MAP)
printf("properties are no map\n"); // on the console it says that it is no map

size_t mapsize = pn_data_get_map(dataPtr);
for (int idx = 0; idx < mapsize/2; ++idx)
     printf("Property: %s\n", pn_data_get_string(dataPtr));

The output:

properties are no map
mapsize: 0

After the code above failed I tried:


The output is also empty, is says:

{current=0, parent=0}

But when I use the Qpid C++ Messaging Api (V0.28)i to read the same message I get properties:
x-amqp-absolute-expiry-time..: 0
x-amqp-creation-time..: 0
x-amqp-first-acquirer..: True
x-amqp-group-sequence..: 0
x-amqp-message-annotations..: {qpid.msg_sequence:30}
x-amqp-to..: amqp://

So somehow I missed something but honestly I have no clue what I am doing wrong.

Can someone give me a hint?


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