On 02/16/2015 03:02 PM, Rafael Schloming wrote:
I'm not much of a git expert, so I don't know what the preferred option
would be, but I'm +1 for killing it in one form or another.


You can submit a request to INFRA to drop it, the only caveat is that there is no enforcement to prevent someone from accidentally recreating it so you might have to do it once or twice until everyone gets used to things being on master instead of trunk.

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Alan Conway <acon...@redhat.com> wrote:

I work on a mix of SVN and GIT-based projects so I switch between trunk
and master a lot. Proton used to be an SVN based project. I repeatedly
stub my toe on the old "trunk" branch which has been left lying around
with some random commit at it's head.

Can we please do any one of the following:
- delete it.
- rename it to something else.
- make it a symbolic reference to master.

I don't care which, I'm just tired of typing "git checkout trunk" by
reflex and being allowed to continue down the rat-hole till some ancient
proton bug crops up and I have another DOH! moment.


Tim Bish
Sr Software Engineer | RedHat Inc.
tim.b...@redhat.com | www.redhat.com
skype: tabish121 | twitter: @tabish121
blog: http://timbish.blogspot.com/

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