On 02/25/2015 11:52 AM, Rafael Schloming wrote:
On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 10:49 AM, Ted Ross <tr...@redhat.com> wrote:

Would it be safe to assume that any operations on driver->io are not
thread safe?

Dispatch is a multi-threaded application.  It looks to me as though
io->error is a resource shared across the threads in an unsafe way.

Interesting... so this is what the docs say:

  * A ::pn_io_t manages IO for a group of pn_socket_t handles.  A
  * pn_io_t object may have zero or one pn_selector_t selectors
  * associated with it (see ::pn_io_selector()).  If one is associated,
  * all the pn_socket_t handles managed by a pn_io_t must use that
  * pn_selector_t instance.
  * The pn_io_t interface is single-threaded. All methods are intended
  * to be used by one thread at a time, except that multiple threads
  * may use:
  *   ::pn_write()
  *   ::pn_send()
  *   ::pn_recv()
  *   ::pn_close()
  *   ::pn_selector_select()
  * provided at most one thread is calling ::pn_selector_select() and
  * the other threads are operating on separate pn_socket_t handles.

I claim that the commit-in-question violates the text above. Calls to pn_send() and pn_recv() are no longer thread-safe because they now use the shared error record.

I think this has been somewhat modified by the constraints from the windows
implementation, and I'm not sure I understand completely what the
constraints are there, or entirely what is being described above, but on
the posix front, the pn_io_t is little more than just a holder for an error
slot, and you should have one of these per thread. It shouldn't be a
problem to use send/recv/etc from multiple threads though so long as you
pass in the pn_io_t from the current thread.

It's not desirable to allocate sockets to threads up front (i.e. partition the set of sockets into per-thread slots). I know you didn't say that was needed but it's what I infer from the docs for pn_io_t.

Assuming, as you suggest, that pn_io_t is nothing more than a thread-specific error notepad seems like a recipe for future disaster because pn_io_t is clearly intended to be more than that.


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