On 03/10/2015 10:51 AM, Rafael Schloming wrote:
My tour of the code started with an attempt to figure out what the term
"sync" was intended to mean since "synchronous" is commonly used to refer
to both a blocking programming style and a request/response messaging
pattern, but the two aren't necessarily correlated. (Blocking APIs can do
asynchronous messaging, and non-blocking APIs can do synchronous

Yes, that is a good point.

(Personally I don't think it necessarily rules out having both under the same namespace, as long as the detailed semantics are clear. The name would be a hint for either and indeed both meanings are currently embodied in the code in that package).

As it stands this code could be
anything from the very early start of a general purpose blocking API for
proton, to a simple convenience API for one particular scenario. Where it
falls on this spectrum would significantly influence both its name and
maturity level.

Yes, I agree very much with this. The code that is there is at present both immature and limited. It provides a very simple blocking, sequential 'adapter' over the reactive core, and additionally a simple rpc mechanism on top of that. How it evolves is very much open to feedback from users and other developers.

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