Congratulations on your release!

I recommend that you include a short description of what Qpid Proton
is or does as the first paragraph of your release announcements.  Your
release announcement is an opportunity to market your project to
others who have never heard of Qpid Proton and may not even know what
Qpid is or does.

Note: I am not subscribed to "" and no response
is necessary.

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Rafael Schloming <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Qpid Proton 0.9 is now officially available. You can find it here:
> In addition to numerous bug fixes and improvements, the 0.9 release includes
> a new reactive API that makes it significantly easier to integrate AMQP into
> an existing application, or to build custom AMQP applications from scratch.
> The release also includes a number of fixes and/or enhancements resulting in
> API changes, some of these are noted below:
> - pn_buffer_t is no longer public API
> - pn_bytes_t.bytes is renamed to pn_bytes_t.start
> - pn_sasl_{client|server}() is replaced by pn_transport_set_server() and
> client being the default.
> There is also an important Windows SSL/TLS functionality change:
> The Proton SSL/TLS module for 0.8 using the native Microsoft SChannel
> libraries was not configurable and successful handshakes resulted
> solely from having the appropriate CA certificate in the official
> Windows Trusted Root CA store.  It is now possible to specify
> alternate trusted root CA databases and to turn off certificate
> checking altogether, using the same Proton API conventions as for
> OpenSSL on Posix systems.
> In particular, Proton applications in Windows will not check server
> certificates at all in 0.9 unless the capability is explicitly enabled
> using the pn_ssl_domain_set_trusted_ca_db() function.  To use the
> system Trusted Root CA store:
>   pn_ssl_domain_set_trusted_ca_db(d, "sys:root")
> Or to use a file based PKCS#12 certificate store:
>   pn_ssl_domain_set_trusted_ca_db(d, "mycerts.p12")
> For more information, see the detailed release notes posted on the release
> page at the URL above.
> --Rafael

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