
I came here via Bruce Schneier's link to a paper on JSON hijacking [1]
where Andrew Dupont commented that Prototype Core has discussed a
solution.  I couldn't find anything in the archives, and didn't get a
response on IRC, so I hope I'm posting this to the correct place!  If
not, my apologies.

As I understand it, the problem is that an attacking website can have
first dibs on private data from a web app by modifying the object and
array prototypes and then using <script> to GET the data.  I see two
requirements for such an attack:  1) the response is straight JSON and
2) the data is available via a GET from an URL that the attacker can
guess.  So far there have been suggested fixes that break each of the
requirements, by either sending a modified JSON response that can't be
eval()ed, or by putting the data either at an unpredictable URL or
making it unGETable.

Having drunk the REST and JSON koolaid, these solutions taste a little
bitter. I'm wondering if there's another solution, one that means
drinking even more REST koolaid: keep straight JSON, keep a
predictable URL if one wants to, drop the unRESTful cookie
authentication, and go with simple HTTP authentication.

JSON hijacking breaks cookie authentication because the shared secret,
the cookie, is sent with any <script> requests, even if the <script>
tag isn't on a page from that domain.  However, I believe that HTTP
authentication used with an XMLHttpRequest will not be used in
subsequent GETs to that URL, so the data can't be hijacked.

HTTP authentication is often avoided, because all browsers that I know
of have absolutely terrible UIs for it, e.g. it's impossible to
"logout" without closing the browser, and "logins" can't persist
between closing and opening the browser. However, it need not be like
that for AJAX requests. I believe that an attacking websites don't
have access to the cookies, meaning that HTTP authentication username
and password can be sent and stored on the client via cookies, and
then your own app looks up the cookies when it sends its

I see this as a much more natural fix, and it has the additional
benefit that by using HTTP authentication, secure data is now more
easily accessible to robotic UAs. I.e., it will allow your web app to
be mashup friendly *and* secure, with the caveat that the user must
trust whatever third party masher, and give them their password.

Can anyone see holes, or have a critique?  I'd love feedback.


[1] http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2007/04/javascript_hija_1.html

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