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On Dec 1, 3:34 pm, mevryck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings
> I have a huge Javascript with inclusion of external scripts and all. I
> got this by doing a XSLT .
> Now I have the contents in a Javascript variable, but I'm nto able to
> update the element with the
> below javscript contents.
> But when viewed as a seperate HTML file with the below contents I'm
> able to see the milonic menu.
> Please help me with this regard.
> <div>
>          script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"
> src="milonic_src.js">
>          <!-- comment inserted for Internet Explorer --></
> script><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"
> src="mmenudom.js">
>          <!-- comment inserted for Internet Explorer --></
> script><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
>                 _menuCloseDelay=500;
>                 _menuOpenDelay=150;
>                 _subOffsetTop=2;
>                 _subOffsetLeft=-2;
>                 with(mainStyle=new mm_style()){
>                         bordercolor="#43BAF1";
>                         borderstyle="solid";
>                         borderwidth=1;
>                         separatorcolor="#CCC";
>                         separatorpadding=0;
>                         separatorwidth=1;
>                         fontfamily="Arial";
>                         fontsize="11px";
>                         fontstyle="normal";
>                         fontweight="bold";
>                         itemheight=18;
>                         menubgcolor="";
>                         offbgcolor="transparent";
>                         offcolor="#666666";
>                         onbgcolor="transparent";
>                         oncolor="#43BAF1";
>                         pagebgcolor="transparent";
>                         pagecolor="#FFF";
>                         outfilter="fade(duration=0.2)";
>                         overfilter="Fade(duration=0.2)";
>                         rawcss="padding-left:13px;padding-right:
> 13px";
>                         separatorPadding=0;
>                         onsubimage="ni-on_downboxed.gif";
>                         subimage="ni-off_downboxed.gif";
>                 }
>                 with(menuStyle=new mm_style()){
>                         bordercolor="#CDCDCD";
>                         borderwidth=1;
>                         separatorcolor="#ccc";
>                         separatorpadding=0;
>                         fontfamily="Arial";
>                         fontsize="11px";
>                         fontstyle="normal";
>                         fontweight="normal";
>                         image="";
>                         itemheight=18;
>                         offbgcolor="#F7F7F7";
>                         offcolor="#666";
>                         onbgcolor="#43BAF1";
>                         onbgimage="ni-bg_highlight_btn.gif";
>                         oncolor="#fff";
>                         pagebgcolor="#43BAF1";
>                         pagebgimage="ni-bg_highlight_btn.gif";
>                         pagecolor="#F7F7F7";
>                         menubgcolor="#F7F7F7";
>                         styleid=1;
>                         outfilter="fade(duration=0.2)";
>                         overfilter="Fade(duration=0.2)";
>                         padding=2;
>                         rawcss="padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;";
>                         subimage="ni-menu_arrow_off.gif";
>                         onsubimage="ni-menu_arrow_on.gif";
>                         subimagepadding=3;
>                 }
>         with(milonic=new menuname("main")) {
>                 alwaysvisible=1;
>                 position='relative';
>                 orientation='horizontal';
>                 style=mainStyle;
>                 overflow="scroll";
>                 aI("showmenu=Export...;text=Export...;url=;");
>         }
> with(milonic=new menuname("Export...")) {
>         top='offset=0';
>         left='offset=-1';
>         style=menuStyle;
>         overflow="scroll";
>                 aI("showmenu=Export Page;text=Export Page;url=;");
>                 aI("showmenu=Export Report;text=Export
> Report;url=;");
>                 aI("showmenu=My Presentations;text=My
> Presentations;url=;");
> }
> with(milonic=new menuname("Export Page")) {
>         top='offset=0';
>         left='offset=-1';
>         style=menuStyle;
>         overflow="scroll";
>                 aI("text=Microsoft
> Excel;url=javascript:exportPage('xls',
> '58ea5cc2eab33c5ea8e3b66545c2f0a0');");
>                 aI("text=org PDF
> format;url=javascript:exportPage('pdf','58ea5cc2eab33c5ea8e3b66545c2f0a0',
> '9496551d86e583f1fbe3b66580a004a0');");
> }
> with(milonic=new menuname("Export Report")) {
>         top='offset=0';
>         left='offset=-1';
>         style=menuStyle;
>         overflow="scroll";
>                 aI("text=Advisor
> Viewer;url=javascript:exportReport('wsv',
> '58ea5cc2eab33c5ea8e3b66545c2f0a0');");
> }
> with(milonic=new menuname("My Presentations")) {
>         top='offset=0';
>         left='offset=-1';
>         style=menuStyle;
>         overflow="scroll";
>                 aI("text=Add page to
> presentation;url=javascript:addPageToPresentationInternal('58ea5cc2eab33c5e -
> a8e3b66545c2f0a0');");
>                 aI("text=View My Current
> Presentation;url=javascript:downloadPresentation();");
>                 aI("text=View My Presentation
> History;url=javascript:presentationHistory();");
> }
>         drawMenus();
>         </script>
>         <a nmouseover="javascript:popup('main','milonicmenu')"
> onmouseout="javascript:popdown()" name="milonicmenu"
> id="milonicmenu"></a>
> </div>
> Any pointers please provide your inputs.
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